Petra Church International Ministries

Summer 2023: Going Deeper

Episode Summary

As we start the summer season, we will learn to go deeper in our relationship with God

Episode Notes

Hebrews 6:12


12 We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.


Summer 2023: Maximum Maturity

       a. Urgency 

       b. Commitment 

       c. Sacrifice 

       d. Accountability 


Path of Going Deeper 

      a. Intensive Bible Study 

      b. Intimate Prayer 

      c. Intentional Lifestyle 


The Reward of Going Deeper 

     a. Inexhaustible Treasure 

     b. Infinite Power 

     c. Incomprehensive Peace 

     d. Inseparable Communion